Please provide your current phone number and keep it on so we can serve you better. There may be questions on ship day :

–  Photos of all D.O.A. claims must be e-mailed to us within 24 hours for store credit or refund.

–  WE DO NOT HOLD ANIMALS for more than 5 days for any reason.


All guarantees are VOID if not received by the buyer on the first delivery attempt.

The receiver acknowledges full satisfaction and acceptance of the order within 24 hours.

Sex determination is done at no additional charge, but NOT GUARANTEED.

Walk-in customers who handpick their animals, there is no guarantee once you leave.

Walk-in sales are by appointment only. Please call or e-mail us.


When ordering, please use the shopping cart system on this website or e-mail or call with your order. All call-in and e-mail orders must be invoiced to the customer and paid for prior to shipment.

All trades must be agreed upon in writing or e-mail with dollar totals for each party, prior to shipment.

Dry goods and live animals are shipped separately and have separate shipping charges.

Dry goods orders and live animal orders can not be combined to meet the minimum.

No Guarantee on freebees.One freebee per box /per order.

One freebie per order, not applicable with any other special deals(no guarantee) .

Prices and availability are subject to change at any time.

Special price quotes are valid for 24 hours only.

Sizes are estimated and can vary .

Caveat Emptor – Buyer beware. Do not handle. Tarantulas have a toxic bite and or urticating hairs.

Do not order or keep tarantulas if you have a medical condition or allergies.

Upon ordering, the customer acknowledges “release of liability” from Paul Becker and for any damages or injuries that may occur to any persons or pets that come into contact with purchased animals, including freebies.

Special concerns or instructions for your order must be noted on the order form, otherwise, your order will be processed as usual.

If an order is discounted, then no freebie will be sent.

Not recommended for children. Please be at least 18 yrs of age .

All photos, videos, and text are the exclusive property of Paul Becker and can not be used without written consent and signature.

All videos, pictures, emails, and attachments received become the property of / Paul Becker and may be used for any purpose.

No guarantee your item(s) will be in stock if you send a money order. Orders with immediate payment take priority.

We accept Paypal, Money Orders, Cashier’s Checks, or Wire Transfers.

California residents, please add 9.25% sales tax to the order or supply us with a signed resale card.

The minimum Order is $50.00, excluding shipping.

You must have a valid resale card in your name for wholesale purchases.